Kronic Zombie Survival, is a Minecraft Zombie Apocalypse server.
You may find us similar to Dying Light. As we have a ranking system and the ability to wall kick to give a parkour feel.
Kronic has over 700 loot-able chest on the map and rooms you can rent to raid.
You could also say we are similar to Unturned but we have been around before these two games.
We have cars and ability to rent areas to build in at any rank. When you earn the Top rank
in-game that gives you access to a permanent place to build.
You even get to pick the place but you have to earn it!
The server has its similarities to other Apocalypse style games because it is a Zombie Apocalypse Server.
That does not mean we do not have our own unique player base and gameplay as should ever server.
Even the players can effect how hard it is to survive and earn your ranks.
We have 10 ranks currently and are expanding them at some-point due to players achieving the Top rank already!
The server offers you guns and a 3D resource pack made by the owner him-self if you choose to use it.
This allows you to see 3D guns and Drive 3D cars kinda like that one server but in a more apocalyptic way.
You can earn more guns, trails, cash, colors, tags, and more all in game.
Votes reward you some extra cash and are not required for any rank half-way up the ladder.
This means no forced votes!
With all that free in game what can I donate for?
To be honest the perks we provide you with are to help fund a free to play server for all our players.
So the perks will not make you better in combat that another player but some of the perks can make you pretty fancy!
We try our best to respect the player with out or with a wallet.
We know by being a player that we dont want to have to spend real money, we want you to show us a server
that is worth supporting and helping to grow. We are not always perfect but who can be. We also know that with
out your support as a player we can not grow, so just you playing is kinda more than enough!
How can the server pay the bills with out donations? We can’t but with the supporters we already have
and myself as a personal backer to this. We have made it to year 3! So the idea is if you like the server and
its player or more, then support it. You dont like it thats fine also just dont be rude about it.
We have a working Bank for items , Experience and Cash. The Experience and Cash will gain interest every 30 mins online
or offline to make sure you never go broke if you learn the game. There is really a lot to do just some is more exciting to find
out for yourself! So if your into PvP and Zombie Killing then you might enjoy Kronic Zombie Survival.
So my question to you I guess is, How will you Survive the Infection?
Need more info? or .com
Revenant Tags:
Kronic Zombies
Zombie Server
Infection Server
Apocalypse Server
Dying Light
Free to Play