PROJECT VERYMAX.RU existing member since 2010, working on the equipment, stay with us and do not be afraid that the server will close and you will lose your home ests etc. Why you can griefers and lawlessness? Yes, because it IS HARD-SERVER, a whiner is not the place !! Create or join the clan of developing voyuy, robbed kill. GRIFERSTVO, DUP, NODUS ITD welcomes, so you just have to play with us & e and not just play and call friends ^ _ ^ something would be even more fun! The administration consists of 2 people, the Creator (who is also the owner of the hosting) and assistant moderator, do not offer their services to be the administrator, moderator, etc. we do an excellent job, public relations do not care if you like the server, you may have to rent the same server, or Buy or order a custom server assembly.
New flan’s mod server!
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